Nigel Budden
2018-05-25 01:23:40 UTC
Hi All,
I'm trying to get to know ArangoDB and using the Movielens 20M data set
to play with.
I've imported the Movies.csv to *Movies *Collection, Genome_Tags.csv to *Tags
*and Tags.csv to *TagLinks*
I've created an Empty Edge Collection called *MyTags *and I'm trying to
create links between *Movies *and *Tags *based on what is found in the *TagLinks
I'm attempting the following Query, however being new to AQL I have a
feeling (given the crazy long query running time so far) that I've got
something wrong:
For tl in TagLinks
For m in Movies
For t in Tags
Filter m.movieId == tl.movieId And Lower(t.tag) == Lower(tl.tag)
Insert { _from: m._id, _to: t._id } IN MyTags
Thanks for any insight into my conundrum.
I'm trying to get to know ArangoDB and using the Movielens 20M data set
to play with.
I've imported the Movies.csv to *Movies *Collection, Genome_Tags.csv to *Tags
*and Tags.csv to *TagLinks*
I've created an Empty Edge Collection called *MyTags *and I'm trying to
create links between *Movies *and *Tags *based on what is found in the *TagLinks
I'm attempting the following Query, however being new to AQL I have a
feeling (given the crazy long query running time so far) that I've got
something wrong:
For tl in TagLinks
For m in Movies
For t in Tags
Filter m.movieId == tl.movieId And Lower(t.tag) == Lower(tl.tag)
Insert { _from: m._id, _to: t._id } IN MyTags
Thanks for any insight into my conundrum.
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